The Christmas season is wonderful in many ways. It is a season of charitable acts of kindness and brotherly love. It is a season of being more reflective about our own lives and about the many blessings that are ours. It is a season of forgiving and being forgiven. It is a season to enjoy the music and lights, parties and presents. But the glitter of the season should never dim our sight and prevent us from truly seeing the Prince of Peace in His majesty.UAdd a Note
Let us all make this year’s Christmas season a time of rejoicing and celebration, a time when we acknowledge the miracle that our Almighty God sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem the world!
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Can We See the Christ?", Liahona, Dec. 2010, 4–6
President Monson has a gift that enables him to touch your soul in a way that makes you feel the Holy Spirit and makes you do better. "A grateful heart... comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives". Thank you President Monson.
Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving is a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks to Almighty God for a bountiful harvest. This religious origin is now primarily identified as thanksgiving in general.
When gathering with friends and family around the table for Thanksgiving, be sure to take the time to give thanks and show how grateful you are for everything you have. If you do it every November day, you could transforming negative thoughts into positive by focusing on how much there is to be thankful for. Here is a fun way to do it with flair!
This is a great way for your family to celebrate Thanksgiving. Have all your friends and family members add 'leaves' to your tree as they visit over the holidays.
Materials Needed:
Tree branch without leaves attached
Clay Pot or Glass Jar
Colored cut out of leaves in fall colors
Pen or marker
Ribbon, Yarn, or Raffia
Hole Puncher
1. "Plant" tree branch in colorful planter.
2. Keep a basket full of blank colorful autumn leaves and markers next to your tree branch. On each leaf, a person should write something they are thankful for each November day.
3. Encourage each guest to pick a leaf, write what they are thankful for on the leaf, and hang it on the tree. This will make a beautifulcenterpiece for your table or accent piece in another high-traffic area of your home.
4. Share the completed thankful tree during Thanksgiving dinner. Encourage each guest to share their own submission by going around the table.
5. Later, collage the leaves into your Thanksgiving album as an after dinner activity. Everyone, especially children, will enjoy looking back over the years and reading what they were thankful for.
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
For many people, autumn events like Halloween and Harvest Day are fun times to dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, attend parties, and eat yummy treats. These events are also opportunities to provide nutritious snacks, get physical activity, and focus on safety. Below are tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for trick-or-treaters and party guests.
Expecting trick-or-treaters or party guests?
Provide healthier treats for trick-or-treaters, such as individual packs of raisins, trail mix, or pretzels. For party guests, offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, and cheeses.
Use party games and trick-or-treat time as an opportunity for kids to get their daily dose of 60 minutes of physical activity.
Be sure walking areas and stairs are well-lit and free of obstacles that could result in falls.
Keep candle-lit jack-o’-lanterns and luminaries away from doorsteps, walkways, landings, and curtains. Place them on sturdy tables, keep them out of the reach of pets and small children, and never leave them unattended.
Remind drivers to watch out for trick-or-treaters and to drive safely.
Follow these tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for everyone!
Healthy Snack
Looking for a Halloween night snack that's both healthy and festive? This skeletal array fits the bill, no bones about it -- just assorted fresh vegetables and a bowl of dip arranged in the shape of a spooky cat.
Black Bean Dip
Cherry tomatoes
Green beans
Arrange vegetables in the shape of a cat, as shown.
Black Bean Dip
This versatile recipe works as either a dip or a spread and has a light, addictive flavor. Serve it with the Easy Pita Chips, baked tortilla chips, or cut-up vegetables. Along with a small bag of carrots and celery, it is a favorite for school lunches. Ingredients
1 15.5-ounce can black beans
1/3 cup medium-hot salsa, 1 tablespoon for garnish (optional)
1/4 cup cilantro leaves, plus extra for garnish (optional)
4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
l small garlic clove, minced Instructions
Drain and rinse the black beans, setting aside l tablespoon for garnish.
Combine the black beans, salsa, cilantro leaves, lemon juice, and garlic in a food processor. Blend until smooth.
Garnish with the black beans and, if you like, cilantro leaves or salsa. Makes 1 1/4 cups and serves 4 to 6. (Note: If you use this as a dip with veggies to replace the Asparagus Salad, double the recipe.)
Easy Halloween Costume Ideas
These easy homemade costume ideas can be put together in a matter of minutes, and don't need a long list of materials. Even if you don't have a lot of time to prepare for Halloween this year, you can still whip up one of these fun and easy costume ideas!
Autumn is the time of maturity and harvest. You don’t need the calendar to tell that the season is changing. The air becomes a bit crisper, and the leaves change. Everything slows down, and the days shorten. You can feel it on the cooler weather especially at night and the great amount of falling leaves everywhere. Finally, autumn is here. Make sure you've got a jacket with you and cover your neck to avoid colds and flu's - the wind has a way of overcoming the immune system. Being known as the flu season, we all need to be more careful with our health to avoid getting ill. Make sure you're eating well and your digestion is good, because that's the root of your immune system strength.
This Fall season follow these tips to help you and yours stay in top health and be your best during the seasonal and all year long:
Flu Shots - Check with your doctor or your local public health department to find out when the annual flu shot is available. If your doctor can give you the shot in the office combine it with a check-up. If your doctor does not give the shot check on local events for flu shot administration. You may also want to get a pneumonia shot also. Remember that the flu shot is recommended for all adults, especially those with a health condition such as diabetes or heart disease that makes them more at risk for the serious complications of the flu.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
Exercise - Exercise is important all through the year, but can help you get in shape for the winter months. If you exercise by walking outdoors, it may be time to locate other places you can walk that are protected from harsh winter weather. Indoor shopping malls are great places to walk and often have walkers clubs that offer discounts. With the days getting colder, take a few extra minutes to warm up your body and stretch your muscles before you exercise. Also wear a handkerchief around your nose and mouth if it's really cold to warm up the air before it enters your lungs.
Diet - Add all the fall vegetables to your diet. Many of the root vegetables are in season now and are an inexpensive and nutritious way to add variety to your diet.
Drink More Water – You can experience dehydration even during the winter. Dry central heat robs your body and skin of vital moisture. If you keep hydrated your mucous membranes also stay hydrated, working much more effectively to filter our disease causing organisms.
Sunscreen – Yes, even in the fall and winter months you should be thinking about sunscreen. If you're a skier, don't forget your sunscreen. The snow reflects the sun's rays and can quickly burn your skin. Don't let the cold temperatures fool you.
Second-Hand Smoke - Watch out for the effects of second-hand smoke. During cold weather, you may find yourself behind closed doors and windows with a smoker. Avoid inhaling smoke and check your home for proper ventilation.
Hats and Gloves - Wear a hat and gloves when you go outside. The hat keeps warmth from escaping through the top of your head—a major source of body heat loss. And the gloves help prevent painful frostbite.
Also, be aware of Fall allergies. Late summer and early fall bring on another season that triggers allergic reactions. Outdoor molds become plentiful in the fall in gutters, soil, vegetation, rotting wood and fallen leaves. You can reduce your exposure to Fall allergens. For example, avoid being outdoors in the morning hours between 5:00 and 10:00 a.m. when pollen dispersal is peaking; avoid lots and fields where ragweed grows; shower and wash hair immediately after coming in from outside activities, and especially before going to bed; keep the windows and doors of your home and car closed.
Remember that making sure your vitamin D level and vitamin C levels are adequate or higher, drinking adequate fluids, using good hand washing technique, getting good sleep, getting good nutrition - all are safer way s to stay flu free.
Here are a few more suggestions to take into consideration so that you can enjoy what this time of year has to offer.
Enjoy the year's most beautiful season -In many parts of the United States, autumn is a near-sacred season, with its warm, sunny days, cool evenings and postcard perfect colors. Get outside and enjoy the season by bicycling, walking, hiking, jogging, and playing golf and tennis.
In many parts of the country, autumn is synonymous with the apple harvest. Rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, both of which reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, inhibiting the growth of dangerous plaques along blood vessel walls, and dietary fiber, apples are a delicious and nutritious snack that can be enjoyed any time of day.
Remember, it is important to do what you can to stay healthy all year long and now is the time to focus on how to stay healthy and well during the approaching Fall and Winter months.
Ten ways to reduce health care costs
Good consumers take the time to understand the products and services they are buying. Whether you are talking about buying a house, car or health care, the quality and value of your purchase should be an important consideration. In the case of health care, higher cost does not necessarily mean better quality. Health care costs can vary greatly depending on type of procedure, where the care is provided (emergency room, outpatient clinic or doctor’s office), and where you live and receive care.
The following are 10 ways to reduce your health care costs while adding value to the quality of your health.
Take good care of yourself. Eight out of 10 health problems are treated at home. By doing a good job of self-care you can reduce your health care costs.
Practice self-examination and get appropriate health screening. Work out a schedule for preventive health screening that is appropriate for your age and gender with your health care provider.
Become aware of the health risks of different lifestyle choices like alcohol and drug use, home and driver safety, and eating habits. The riskier your lifestyle the more likely you are to have health problems.
Know what your medical benefits cover. You need to know what your benefits are before you can use them appropriately. If you have a managed care plan know about the plan’s grievance procedure and use it if you don’t feel you are getting adequate care.
Take an active role in health care decision making. Take the time to build a good relationship with your doctor. Making sure that your doctor understands your expectations and needs can result in a more effective treatment plan.
Ask your doctor about every prescribed medication and medical test. Also ask what will happen if you choose not to take a drug or have a test. Every test and drug has some risk involved. Your doctor may be able to suggest an alternative that is less risky.
Avoid hospitalization whenever possible. More than half of all health care costs are for hospitalizations. Consider outpatient services or same-day surgery. Find out if there are alternatives to surgery.
Save the emergency room for emergencies. It can be two to three times more costly to receive services in an emergency room than in a doctor’s office.
Check your hospital and doctor bills carefully. Billing errors are made. Notify your hospital and health plan promptly when errors are found.
Avoid defensive medicine. Defensive medicine refers to tests and services performed primarily to protect physicians from possible malpractice suits. Ask lots of questions about why the tests are being done, if they are really necessary and what your options are. You may decide to take a more conservative approach.
Alternative Medicine
Chiropractic is a health care approach that focuses on the relationship between the body's structure—mainly the spine—and its functioning. Although practitioners may use a variety of treatment approaches, they primarily perform adjustments to the spine or other parts of the body with the goal of correcting alignment problems and supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself.
The benefits of chiropractic care for your health are numerous.
Some of the many benefits include pain relief in your joints, back, or head. Others may include increased mobility, performance, balance, coordination or energy. Our Creator God has given us all the power of health within our own bodies enabling your body to heal itself. It is not normal or healthy to have chronic pain or even the occasional cold or headache. A person can be unhealthy without any symptoms whatsoever. For example, 35% of all heart attacks happen without any prior symptoms or warning signs. Were those 35% healthy the day before their heart attack?
How Does Chiropractic Care Enhance Your Immune System?
Since its inception, chiropractic has asserted that viruses and microbes don't threaten us all equally and that a healthy immune system easily repels most invaders. The immune system protects us from the flu, as well as any other infectious disease, and strives to get us well again when we do fall ill. Our immune system, like every other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervous system. For example, nerve cell endings in the skin and white blood cells of the immune system are in intimate contact, and chemicals secreted by the nerves can shut down immune system cells nearby.
Chiropractic corrects spinal abnormalities called vertebral subluxations that result in interference of the nervous system by placing pressure on nerves. Since the nervous system controls all functions of the body, including the immune system, chiropractic care can have a positive effect on immune function.
During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other' and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body. If the Nervous System is not functioning properly, then the Immune System cannot function at 100%, thus the body becomes fertile ground for bacteria, viruses and illness.
Children who have regular Chiropractic adjustments have fewer colds, ear infections and flu. "People who receive regular chiropractic adjustments have immune system competency that is 200% greater than those who don't." (Dr. Ron Pero. New York Preventative Medicine Institute and Environmental Health at NYU)
Even though you are not sick, your body may be acquiring misalignments of the spine (subluxations) that are interfering with your nervous system and thus your immune system. Regular chiropractic check-ups can help you to maintain a healthy immune system and stave off illnesses or allergies. A chiropractic adjustment will restore the balance of your nervous system and restore the flow of energy and information throughout the body, thus validating one of the great benefits of chiropractic care!
The Word of Wisdom contains the Lord’s outline of the kinds of food that provide good nutrition.
Balanced nutrition includes drinking plenty of clean water and regularly eating foods from each of six food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk products, meat and beans, and oils. These foods contain six kinds of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water. A person should regularly eat or drink enough of all of these nutrients to grow and remain healthy. (See Nutrition Calculations.) For infant nutrition, mother’s milk itself provides an ideal balance of nutrients, with the gradual introduction of solid foods after four to six months of age.
If a variety from all food groups is eaten regularly, it is not usually necessary to take supplements. Even carefully chosen vegetarian diets that include dairy products or eggs can be quite sufficient. But if little or no animal products are eaten, then grains must be eaten with legumes (beans, peas, peanuts, and lentils), nuts, and seeds to provide balanced protein.
A “portion” is how much food you choose to eat at one time, whether in a restaurant, from a package, or in your own kitchen. A “serving” size is the amount of food listed on a product’s Nutrition Facts. Sometimes, the portion size and serving size match; sometimes they do not. Keep in mind that the serving size on the Nutrition Facts is not a recommended amount of food to eat. It is a quick way of letting you know the calories and nutrients in a certain amount of food.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Nutrition Facts information is printed on most packaged foods. It tells you how many calories and how much fat, carbohydrate, sodium, and other nutrients are available in one serving of food. Most packaged foods contain more than a single serving. The serving sizes that appear on food labels are based on FDA-established lists of foods. (For more information, see
Healthy eating and physical activity habits are key to your child’s well-being. Eating too much and exercising too little may lead to overweight and related health problems that may follow children into their adult years. You can take an active role to help your child—and your whole family—learn healthy eating and physical activity habits that last a lifetime. Parents... Splash Into a Healthy Summer With These Ideas
Exercise and Fitness
Exercising physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual abilities is required to not only maintain but also improve them. Without exercise, these abilities diminish. Furthermore, fitness in one area can strongly influence fitness in another. For example, improving physical fitness enhances mental, emotional, and even spiritual acuity.
Specific exercises are designed to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and aerobic capacity. But every exercise must be tailored to meet a person’s individual requirements, such as age. Where weight bearing is a problem, water exercises are helpful. Chair and desk exercises are useful for those who spend long hours in a sitting position. There are many exercises and activities like these that are inexpensive and can fit the budget of almost anyone.
Walking A Step in the Right Direction Walking is one of the easiest ways to be physically active. You can do it almost anywhere and at any time. Walking is also inexpensive–all you need is a pair of shoes with sturdy heel support.
Parents and leaders should teach that care of the mouth, teeth, and gums is of extreme importance in good personal health. Critical oral functions range from simply chewing food to communicating with clear, understandable speech. Personal care of the mouth should begin at birth and continue daily throughout life. Preventing sugars and other foods from staying in the mouth and on the teeth after eating is a key to good oral hygiene and health. Unfortunately, oral disease (teeth cavities and gum infections) is the most prevalent health challenge of man. Daily brushing and flossing of teeth and massaging of gums, combined with avoidance of tobacco or other foreign substances, and regular visits to the dentist, will preserve the mouth, teeth, and gums throughout life and avoid months or years of pain, suffering, and lost productivity.
Healthy smile, healthy you: The importance of oral health
Regular dentist visits can do more than keep your smile attractive – they can tell dentists a lot about your overall health, including whether or not you may be developing a disease like diabetes.
New industry research suggests that the health of your mouth mirrors the condition of your body as a whole. For example, when your mouth is healthy, chances are your overall health is good, too. On the other hand, if you have poor oral health, you may have other health problems.
Smiling Benefits
Research also shows that a healthy smile may actually prevent certain diseases from occurring.
Helps You Stay Positive
Can Change Your Mood
Brings Happiness
Reduces Stress
Boosts Your Immune System
Lowers Your Blood Pressure
Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
Gives You Confidence
Attracts People To Us
Do I Really Need to Floss?
Yes. Floss removes plaque and debris that sticks to teeth and gums in between teeth, polishes tooth surfaces, and controls bad breath. Plaque is a sticky layer of material containing bacteria that accumulates on teeth, including places where toothbrushes can't reach. This can lead to gum disease. By flossing your teeth daily, you increase the chance of keeping them for a lifetime and decrease the chance of getting gum disease.
Prevent Oral Health Problems: Visit a Dentist Twice a Year
Although twice-a-year dental visits are the key ingredient to maintaining good oral health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports less than two-thirds of adults make one yearly dental trip. In addition, one-third of all Americans have untreated tooth decay and more than 50 percent have gingivitis, which can quickly develop into periodontal (gum) disease. Visiting a dentist twice a year can be instrumental to prevent oral health problems and predict overall health conditions.
A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth. Composites are also used for cosmetic improvements of the smile by changing the color of the teeth or reshaping disfigured teeth.
How is a composite placed?
Following preparation, the dentist places the composite in layers, typically using a light specialized to harden each layer. When the process is finished, the dentist will shape the composite to fit the tooth. The dentist then polishes the composite to prevent staining and early wear.
What you can do
Seeing a dentist regularly helps to keep your mouth in top shape and allows your dentist to watch for developments that may point to other health issues. A dental exam also can detect poor nutrition and hygiene, growth and development problems and improper jaw alignment. Provide your dentist with a complete medical/dental history and inform him or her of any recent health developments, even if they seem unrelated to your oral health.
Poor oral health can lead to problems
If you don't take care of your teeth and gums, your poor oral hygiene can actually lead to other health problems, including:
• Oral and facial pain. According to the Office of the Surgeon General, this pain may be largely due to infections of the gums that support the teeth and can lead to tooth loss. Gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease, and advanced gum disease affect more than 75 percent of the U.S. population.
• Problems with the heart and other major organs. Mouth infections can affect major organs. For example, the heart and heart valves can become inflamed by bacterial endocarditis, a condition that affects people with heart disease or anyone with damaged heart tissue.
• Oral cancer. Poor oral care can contribute to oral cancer, which now takes more lives annually than cervical or skin cancer.
• Digestion problems. Digestion begins with physical and chemical processes in the mouth, and problems here can lead to intestinal failure, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestion disorders.
Did you know gardening is a great stress reliever? You get an aromatherapy treatment from the fragrance of the flowers and you stretch and work out your body by planting and pulling out weeds. As well, pastel colors, like pink tulips and yellow daffodils, are known to have a calming effect on your emotions, so it's no wonder your mom loves to garden! And who knows - you may end up liking it so much that you garden with her even after Mother's Day!
Gardening requires you to use your head and your creativity. The time spent planning the garden and researching different plants is a great brain workout. Gardening gives us a chance to be creative. You can let your personality shine through in your garden.
Gardening connects you with people. It's like walking down the street with a new puppy. Everybody talks to a gardener. It's also a great activity to do with kids. Give them a section of the garden all their own. Some of the best lessons can be learned in the garden such as delayed gratification and don't leave a rake on the ground with the head pointing upwards.
Gardening provides fresh fruits and vegetables and the encouragement to eat them.
Gardening provides the regular physical exercise listed in the prevention of heart disease, obesity, adult-onset diabetes and high blood pressure.
Gardening can be especially beneficial for people with special needs or those recovering from illness. Gardening promotes an increased range of motion, develops eye-hand coordination, improves motor skills and increases self esteem.
Gardening connects you with mother's nature and the rhythm of life.
Every day of every year, many people take steps to make themselves healthier and to improve the quality of their lives.
One of the most interesting effects of the hug is its ability to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Of course, there are a number of medical reasons for this, and it is simply one more reason to enjoy a friendly hug.
When a person is hugged, their comfort level is increased, and they enjoy being around a fellow human being. Also, the hug communicates many things to many people. A hug from a friend or family brings back happy memories and makes the huggee relive those moments. Also, if we follow social psychology, we become aware of the many benefits that result in the body and mind when we feel accepted or understood by another person. Even though one may think that a deep conversation can have these effects, the simple truth is that a hug creates those feelings of acceptance and compassion that can sometimes be difficult to find in our modern world. Thus, when we experience these things, we become more relaxed, we are happier, and our entire attitude tends to improve. As a direct result of these things, our heart rates become more relaxed and over a period of time, lower heart rates and increased time spent being happy can actually lower blood pressure and have very effective bonuses to heart health.
Another important benefit of the hug is the effect that it can on the mental state of an individual, as well as the physical. People who hug more frequently tend to be more open about their emotions and develop a greater sense of closeness and compassion to those around them. However, sometimes, it can be difficult to accept others or to realize that there are other people around us. For that reason, sometimes the simple hug can open up mental blocks with this matter, allowing an individual to feel increased feelings of happiness and even trigger a small release of dopamine. However, even though physical contact can sometimes have brain chemical effects (such as the release of dopamine mentioned before) it is not a constant. Instead, the greater benefits in this area come from the simple effect of being close to other human beings and feeling a real bond or connection between people.
Of course, remember that not everyone likes to be hugged, and always ask before giving a hug to someone who you may not be sure wants a hug. In closing, remember the simple things in life that can make such a difference, and the hug is definitely one of them.
Now ye may suppose that this is a foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
NOTE: The information on this site does not constitute medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider. Before embarking on any weight loss plan or making dietary changes, you should consult your doctor.
At this Easter season of hope and renewal we testify of the glorious reality of the atonement and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read more>>
The word Atonement describes the setting “at one” of those who have been estranged, and denotes the reconciliation of man to God. Sin is the cause of the estrangement, and therefore the purpose of atonement is to correct or overcome the consequences of sin.
Jesus Christ, as the Only Begotten Son of God and the only sinless person to live on this earth, was the only one capable of making an atonement for mankind. BIBLE DICTIONARY - Atonement
Celebrate spring with these easy healthy Easter recipes. Spring holidays are here and sometimes we need a little something special when we gather with friends and family.
Ham, Gruyere & Spinach Bread Pudding
For the custard:
4 large egg whites
4 large eggs
1 cup skim milk
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary
For the bread and filling:
4 cups (4-6 slices) whole-grain bread, crusts removed if desired, cut into 1-inch cubes
5 cups chopped spinach, wilted
1/2 cup chopped jarred roasted red peppers
1 cup (5 ounces) diced ham steak
For the topping:
3/4 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Coat an 11” x 7” glass baking dish or a 2-quart casserole with cooking spray.
2. To prepare the custard whisk egg whites, eggs and milk in a medium bowl. Add mustard, pepper and rosemary and whisk to combine.
3. Toss bread, spinach, roasted red peppers and ham in a large bowl. Add the custard and toss well to coat. Transfer to the prepared baking dish and push down to compact. Cover with foil.
4. Bake until the custard has set, 40-45 minutes. Uncover, sprinkle with cheese and continue baking until the pudding is puffed and golden on top, 15-20 minutes more. Transfer to a wire rack and cool for 15-20 minutes before serving.
Spinach Benefits:
Health Benefits of Spinach: Better Vision
Eating Spinach is Good for the Heart
The Cancer Fighting Benefits of Eating Spinach
Eating Spinach Builds Better Blood Cells
Italian Ham Cold Plate
6 slices Deli Fresh Shaved Smoked Ham
1/2 cup baby spinach
1 tomato, halved
1 slice honeydew melon (2-inch wedge)
5 RITZ Crackers
1/4 cup Shredded Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tbsp. Zesty Italian Dressing
Make It!
ARRANGE ham, spinach, tomatoes, melon and crackers on plate. Top tomato halves with cheese.
DRIZZLE with dressing or use dressing as a dipping sauce.
Honeydew Melon Health Benefits:
Contain potassium, this mineral helps keep your muscles from cramping.
Great source of folic acid for women of childbearing age because it is known to prevent birth defects.
Ideal food for people who want to lose weight and for those who want to improve their health because it is low in sodium, fat-free, cholesterol free and low calories. One cup of honeydew contains 60 calories.
Contain plenty of water which keeps us hydrated.
It is a great source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent many diseases.
Crisp-and-Creamy Baked Chicken
4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 lb.)
6 Tbsp. (1/2 of 1 pouch) Extra Crispy Seasoned Coating Mix
2 cups instant white rice, uncooked
2/3 cup (1/2 of 10-3/4-oz. can) condensed cream of celery soup
1/4 cup milk
1 cup Shredded Cheddar & Monterey Jack Cheese
Make It!
HEAT oven to 400°F.
COAT chicken with coating mix as directed on package; place in greased 13x9-inch baking dish. Discard any remaining coating mix.
BAKE 20 min. or until chicken is done (165°F). Meanwhile, cook rice as directed on package.
MIX soup and milk until well blended; pour over chicken. Top with cheese. Bake 5 min. or until cheese is melted and sauce is bubbly. Serve with rice and hot steamed carrots.
Health Benefits of Carrot: 1. Carrot can enhance the quality of breast milk. 2. Carrot can improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails. 3. When taken daily it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. 4. Raw contain beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer. 5. Carrot juice when taken everyday prevent bodily infections and is claimed to be valuable for the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys). 6. Carrot can help improve eyesight. 7. Carrot can help increase menstrual flow. 8. Carrots can regulate blood sugar. 9. Carrot can promote colon health, because carrot is rich in fiber.
Carrot Cake
Cake 1 20-ounce can crushed pineapple 2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour, (see Ingredient Note) 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 3 large eggs 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup nonfat buttermilk, (see Tip) 1/2 cup canola oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups grated carrots, (4-6 medium) 1/4 cup unsweetened flaked coconut 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted (see Tip)
Frosting 12 ounces reduced-fat cream cheese, (Neufchâtel), softened 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar, sifted 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 tablespoons coconut chips, (see Ingredient Note) or flaked coconut, toasted
To prepare cake: Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 9-by-13-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
Drain pineapple in a sieve set over a bowl, pressing on the solids. Reserve the drained pineapple and 1/4 cup of the juice.
Whisk flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Whisk eggs, sugar, buttermilk, oil, vanilla and the 1/4 cup pineapple juice in a large bowl until blended. Stir in pineapple, carrots and 1/4 cup coconut. Add the dry ingredients and mix with a rubber spatula just until blended. Stir in the nuts. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan, spreading evenly.
Bake the cake until the top springs back when touched lightly and a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean, 40 to 45 minutes. Let cool completely on a wire rack.
To prepare frosting and finish cake: Beat cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl with an electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Spread the frosting over the cooled cake. Sprinkle with toasted coconut.