Providing for ourselves and others is evidence that we are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We can go to the gym every day and eat the right foods, but if our soul are sick, we won’t be well (see Jeremiah 33:6).
Everyone wants to look and feel healthy, and there are seemingly endless easy ways to improve your health from the inside out. Whether you're improving your diet or just getting off the couch, small steps can make a big impact.
“I am Healthy, Happy, and Transformed”
Have an idea or question? Email us at glorys@energyandrelax.com
Have an idea or question? Email us at glorys@energyandrelax.com
NOTE: The information on this site does not constitute medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider. Before embarking on any weight loss plan or making dietary changes, you should consult your doctor.
Glorys, this is amazing. You have done a great job. I think this will really help everyone who reads it. I am impressed by your ability to so accurately communicate such a beautiful message.